Hey Indianapolis Bloggers- Our friends over at The Film Yap are having another advance screening giveaway.
They are offering up free tickets to a screening of the movie "Breaking Dawn." The screening is Wednesday, November 16.
If you're interested, all you have to do is follow this link for details: IINDIANAPOLIS!! Win Passes to “The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1″!! Keep in mind that you cannot buy tickets for this event, so be sure to head over to The Film Yap to win yours today!
Also, if you are a blogger in Indianapolis and you see "Breaking Dawn", be sure to write up a quick review on your blog and tell us what you thought of it. Even if you don't watch it till it comes out on DVD. After you've written your post, just send us an email and we'll add a link to your post from this page. So if anyone wants to know what Indy Bloggers thought of the movie, they can come here to find out. Thanks much and keep up the blogging!
Indianapolis Bloggers Review - "Breaking Dawn":
(check back soon!)
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Free Tickets and IB Reviews of "The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1"
Friday, October 28, 2011
Discount Tickets for Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus: Indianapolis Dec. 1-4
Hey Indianapolis- The Circus is coming to town! Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus is coming to Conseco Fieldhouse, Dec. 1-4, 2011. The event is called "Fully Charged" and boasts of amazing acts that you can experience live. We dug up a video preview of what you can expect to see here:
The awesome thing about this year's show is that they are offering a special matinee performance for school groups. The matinee is Thursday, December 1, at 10:30 a.m. These discounted tickets are only $8 per person! This is a great deal for you and the family. If you are interested, all you have to do is click the link below and order your tickets. Be sure to enter "Indianapolis Bloggers" for the *SCHOOL field. Remember that your seats are based on how soon you place your order, so do it ASAP. If you have any questions about this process, just email us or leave a comment. More info about the show can be found below.
Click here to order your tickets to the matinee: Circus Discount Tickets
Here's another video, showing the flaming man being shot from a crossbow:
And below is the press release for the show "Fully Charged":
Indianapolis - Don’t miss Fully Charged, the all-new surge of circus entertainment from Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey where megawatts of thrills explode off of the arena floor with breathtaking dare-devilry, superhuman stunts and never-before-seen performances that energize Children Of All Ages, and runs December 1-4 at Conseco Fieldhouse, Indianapolis.
Fully Charged celebrates ‘performance power’ that boosts circus-goers’ excitement. The amazing acts, which can only be seen at The Greatest Show On Earth®, include Tabayara, a dynamic animal trainer whose rare ability to communicate with animals allows him to ride rearing stallions at a fully-charged gallop and orchestrate majestic four-ton Asian elephants in a symphony of dance. When he stands inside a cage, eye to eye with 12 ferocious tigers, Tabayara sees family where others see danger.
Audiences will feel the earth shake when the strongman duo of Dmitry and Ruslan, who are as wide as they are tall, enter the arena. The brawny twosome give the word ‘manpower’ a whole new meaning as they lift large, cumbersome telephone poles, which weigh up to half a ton, and twirl them above their heads while acrobats balance atop.
The fearless Fernandez Brothers dial up the thrills as they perform daring feats of athleticism on the Twin Turbines of Steel, including extreme jumps and twists inside the moving wheels! Audiences will crackle with excitement as they watch Guillermo perform a 360-degree, flying-forward somersault, three stories in the air, a feat so difficult it has only been attempted by one other person in the 141-year history of Ringling Bros. The Human Fuse, Brian Miser, sets the arena sky ablaze as he rockets through the air from his self-made human crossbow. Don’t blink as he flashes across the sky in less than a second, and travels 110 feet at 65 miles per hour.
Ever wonder how many clowns it takes to change a light bulb? The hilarious hoopla continues to flow as the clowns from the world-famous Ringling Bros.® Clown Alley, charge up the audiences’ funny bones with hysterical silly antics and clownish comedy.
The action at Fully Charged begins an hour before show time at the All Access Pre-show – FREE to all ticket holders. Get to know the world’s greatest performers, meet some our amazing animals in person, and work to become CircusFit all before the show starts! The All Access Pre-show is the only place where you can register for a chance to win a pachyderm painting created by one of Ringling Bros. artistic
Asian elephants right before audiences’ eyes.
You can only experience this current of excitement at Ringling Bros. Fully Charged! Get your tickets for high-voltage fun today!
Circus Discount Tickets
Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus
Friday, October 21, 2011
Indianapolis Blogger: Specs
About Me:
An Indiana boy trying to make his way in this crazy world. Music writing, music making, life living, guitar playing, whatever creative juices I can get out there. And these are my blogs:
Music Music Music
For this blog, I post my thoughts on all things music. I give out music reviews, music suggestions, concert reviews, and just random musical thoughts. Every Wednesday, you can look forward to a music podcast hosted by me. I sometimes will have guest on, but for the most part, it's a short and informative podcast. I hope to gain musical knowledge through other bloggers that will follow me, and I hope you'll get some new musical taste with my blog.
Put Me In Coach
Being the sports fan that I am, I always found myself talking to the sports talk radio stations in my car while listening. I have my thoughts on things that were being said, and things that weren't being said. So what better way to get those thoughts out than in this blog. I will cover the local teams, such as the Pacers and Colts, but I also love to give my takes on national stories making sport headlines. Once again, a podcast is attached with my blog, and that will be featured every Saturday.
Voice of the Voiceless
I remember it still today. It was April 1992 and my family was sitting at the Hoosier Dome waiting for Wrestlemania 8. I would get to see my hero at the time, Hulk Hogan square off against Psycho Sid. I remember the match. This weird guy, Papa Shango, came out and helped Sid beat up on Hogan. Then the Ultimate Warrior's music hit, and he's running down the ring to save Hogan. They clean house, and the match is over, but I was hooked. I've seen all kinds of eras of wrestling come and go, so I have to spew out my thoughts on the current wrestling scene, which is what I use this blog for. I like to review Monday Night Raw and pay per views. I also like to post up my own storyline ideas.
Friday, October 14, 2011
Indianapolis Blogger: The IndyScan Blog
Welcome to IndyScan.com where you can get a little insight into a guy with a lot on his mind. I cover a lot of topics from technology to humor to travel and food. If it’s part of my life I’m going to write about it here.
As a journalism major in college I continue to have a passion for writing and photography. IndyScan.com gives me a place to share my thoughts with everyone and I always welcome your opinion.
I’m an Information Technology leader at a large Architectural and Engineering firm in Indianapolis. I started my interest in computers back in the 80′s with an Apple IIc and progressed through the Macintosh, Mainframe, UNIX and PC world to where I am today.
Thanks for stopping by, I hope the time you spend on IndyScan.com is worthwhile!
IndyScan Blog
As a journalism major in college I continue to have a passion for writing and photography. IndyScan.com gives me a place to share my thoughts with everyone and I always welcome your opinion.
I’m an Information Technology leader at a large Architectural and Engineering firm in Indianapolis. I started my interest in computers back in the 80′s with an Apple IIc and progressed through the Macintosh, Mainframe, UNIX and PC world to where I am today.
Thanks for stopping by, I hope the time you spend on IndyScan.com is worthwhile!
IndyScan Blog
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Indianapolis Blogger: Basilmomma
Some people throw themselves into a hobby. Knitting, painting, scrapbooking.... I choose to cook. I like to think of cooking as a means to an end. Now, I don’t just mean whipping up some Hamburger Helper between swim practice and Zumba, I mean researching the perfect recipe, tweaking it to be my own and making magic with the LG.
Cooking for myself and my family is more than just a necessity. I truly enjoy it. Now, that doesn't mean that I wake up every morning, tie on an apron and start taking orders. No way! But I do enjoy the happiness that a tall stack of pancakes or a dish of steaming hot enchiladas brings my 3 Boys! Nigella Lawson once said when asked what she thought of a particular dish on Iron Chef, that if the food brings her pleasure to eat then it is good.
My food isn't fancy but it is real. My recipes aren't from Le Cordon Bleu but they were tested in my kitchen and they work for me. My Panel of Judges seem to agree as well :)
So I hope you enjoy reading about my culinary successes as well as my failures...... and all of the life that happens along the way.
Find me at:https://www.facebook.com/basilmomma
@basilmomma on Twitter

Friday, September 09, 2011
Indianapolis Hot Pink Party!
Indianapolis Bloggers recently received a Tweet requesting that we help spread the word about a Hot Pink Party. Well, if there's a Hot Pink Party happening in Indianapolis, then say no more. It sounds like the stuff dreams are made of, and it's coming soon to Indy. So read on and see what it's all about!
The Event:
On September 15, in The Fisbeck Room at 14 West, GlamourGals will be hosting its 4th Hot Pink Party! Previous parties have taken place in New York and Los Angeles, but nobody knows Hot Pink Parties like Indianapolis.
We know what you're thinking. "Okay, so I agree that a Hot Pink Party sounds amazingly awesome. But, what exactly would I be getting myself into?" Well, glad you asked. Here's a quick blurb from the GlamourGals site:
Guests will learn to make hot pink scarves, purchase raffles, and mingle with special guests and like minded philanthropic, fashionable Indy women while enjoying snacks and spreading awareness.
So the point of the party (and of this blogpost) is to raise awareness about GlamourGals and the community service they provide. Please read on to learn more.
Below are all the specific details about the Hot Pink Party. If you're interested in all the knitty gritty, just click here.
Thursday, September 15th
6:00-8:30 p.m.
14 West
The Fisbeck Room
About GlamourGals:
Imagine yourself 50 years from now. Gosh you are old. You are probably living in some kind of senior home. Maybe most of your friends have already died. Maybe your family is too busy for you. Maybe the highlight of your day is getting apple sauce and Cool Whip for dessert after lunch. Maybe the worst thing is to feel you've been forgotten. And maybe you yourself have forgotten how special you are.
In all seriousness, GlamourGals provides an amazing community service to senior homes all across the country. Their mission statement sums it up pretty well:
GlamourGals is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit whose mission is to inspire and organize teens to provide ongoing complimentary beauty makeovers and companionship to elderly women living in senior homes.
It's something that is very much needed these days and we sincerely hope that Indianapolis will step up and support such a worthy cause.
We're going to leave you with a couple videos and a number of links. Please take the time to visit GlamourGals and hope you can make it to the Hot Pink Party!
GlamourGals Program Overview (be sure to pause and read each page):
GlamourGals Documentary (a short documentary filming the very first GlamourGals makeover):
About GlamourGals
GlamourGals Indianapolis Hot Pink Party!
GlamourGals on Twitter
GlamourGals on Facebook
GlamourGals Hot Pink Party on Facebook
Thursday, September 08, 2011
Indianapolis Blogger: Something Monumental

Here are some popular posts to get you started:
Hair Feathers
Fuji Instax
Braided Leather
Polaroid Clothesline
Tutorial: Miniaturize Life
About Me
Thanks for reading!
Monday, September 05, 2011
Indianapolis Blogger: Photo A Day
The goal of my Project 365 blog is to post a photo about anything and everything everyday for the next 365 days. I look for subject matter that I find interesting and unique and can find something to photograph in almost any location or situation if I look long and hard enough. The majority of my photos posted on the blog are taken with my G4 iPhone or a Nikon Coolpix S3100. In addition to a daily static photo, sometimes I post iPhone videos, bonus photos and slide shows. It's something new and interesting everyday.
Photo A Day: Project 365
Indianapolis Blogger: Bombardment Society
Bombardment Society
Or more commonly known as "dodge ball." I over complicate things. My wife thinks it's a genetic pre-disposition. I think she's on to something. I am married and have two wonderful daughters. I write. I take pictures. I name inanimate objects and have proudly carried a man-purse since 1997. That's how I roll.
Welcome to my blog. I write because I like to, plain and simple. At times it may seem incredibly random and I guess that’s because my brain is pretty random.
Bombardment Society
Or more commonly known as "dodge ball." I over complicate things. My wife thinks it's a genetic pre-disposition. I think she's on to something. I am married and have two wonderful daughters. I write. I take pictures. I name inanimate objects and have proudly carried a man-purse since 1997. That's how I roll.
Welcome to my blog. I write because I like to, plain and simple. At times it may seem incredibly random and I guess that’s because my brain is pretty random.
Bombardment Society
Sunday, September 04, 2011
Indianapolis Blogger: Short Attention Span Theatre
Jacob Leffler possesses 14 years as a media/communications professional and the bulk of that as a digital marketing business owner writing about experiences and innovations in the media and communications industries. Every now and again some rants on general life experience too. Lucky you.
Short Attention Span Theatre
Saturday, September 03, 2011
Free Tickets and IB Reviews of "Contagion"
Hey Indianapolis Bloggers- Our friends over at The Film Yap are having another advance screening giveaway.
They are offering up free tickets to a screening of the movie "Contagion." The screening is Tuesday, September 6, at 7:30pm at a theater on the north side. We've been asked not to disclose the theater, but whoever wins the tickets will obviously get that info.
If you're interested, all you have to do is follow this link for details: INDIANAPOLIS!! Win Passes to See “Contagion”! Keep in mind that you cannot buy tickets for this event, so be sure to head over to The Film Yap to win yours today!
Also, if you are a blogger in Indianapolis and you see "Contagion", be sure to write up a quick review on your blog and tell us what you thought of it. Even if you don't watch it till it comes out on DVD. After you've written your post, just send us an email and we'll add a link to your post from this page. So if anyone wants to know what Indy Bloggers thought of the movie, they can come here to find out. Thanks much and keep up the blogging!
Indianapolis Bloggers Review - "Contagion":
(check back soon!)
Indianapolis Blogger: Ordinary Days
Hi! I'm Sarah! I'm a mom of three little guys ages 8, 6 & 4 and one sweet little lady who will be 2 very soon. Number 5 is in the oven and should be here sometime around early December.
I'm married to the wonderful, handsome and Albanian Mr. Ordinary. I talk about him and the butterflies he gives me quite a bit. Maybe too much. Sorry.
We've just jumped in to our third year of homeschooling and we love it! Want to know a secret? You can do it, too! It's actually a lot of fun.
Our family loves to travel, get outside and keep life simple so we can enjoy our time together.
I'd LOVE to hear from you! If you have any questions for me please send an email ordinary.days@hotmail.com. (PR friendly!)
So grab your drink of choice, start clicking around and join right in my Ordinary Days!
Oh, here's a little FAQ page if you're interested!
Indianapolis Blogger: Permanent Qui Vive

Simply one of a billion personal blogs that talk about the author’s fascination with his or her own foibles. Mine are music, my family, my home, and the world in which I live.
What’s with the blog’s name?
My present sense of surroundings is thus akin to that of my childhood in wartime. Crime on the streets, hijacking in the air, hostage-taking and bombing in once well-policed countries – this state of siege, coupled with the daily warnings of danger from food and drink, medication and machinery, clothing, toys, and sex, viruses and killer diseases seconded by polluted air and water, has reconstituted the situation of permanent qui vive. Even when no thought of nuclear war is present to the mind, the atmosphere forbids delectation, let alone complacency.Jacques Barzun, “Toward a Fateful Serenity”
Permanent Qui Vive
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Indianapolis Blogger: The Fourth Frog Blog
I'm a wife and working mother (Aren't we all?) of 3. I've been married for almost 18 years and have seen the inside and out of "for better or for worse." But we're still at it. I was born and raised in the Midwest and am happy to be raising my family in the great state of Indiana, where I love to share that we have considerably more than corn, soybeans and race cars. I am a good Catholic girl, which means I've got guilt -- feeling it and dishing it -- down to a science. I've been a "woman of size" since I was 9 years old, though that size fluctuates as much as Indiana weather. If I could only eat one food for the rest of my life, it would be ice cream.

The Fourth Frog Blog
Friday, July 15, 2011
Free Tickets and IB Reviews of "Captain America: The First Avenger"
Hey Indianapolis Bloggers- Our friends over at The Film Yap are having another advance screening giveaway.
They are offering up free tickets to a screening of the movie "Captain America: The First Avenger." The screening is July 20, at 7:00pm at a theater on the north side. We've been asked not to disclose the theater, but whoever wins the tickets will obviously get that info.
If you're interested, all you have to do is follow this link for details: INDIANAPOLIS!! Enter to Win Passes to see “Captain America: The First Avenger”! Keep in mind that you cannot buy tickets for this event, so be sure to head over to The Film Yap to win yours today!
Also, if you are a blogger in Indianapolis and you see "Captain America: The First Avenger", be sure to write up a quick review on your blog and tell us what you thought of it. Even if you don't watch it till it comes out on DVD. After you've written your post, just send us an email and we'll add a link to your post from this page. So if anyone wants to know what Indy Bloggers thought of the movie, they can come here to find out. Thanks much and keep up the blogging!
Indianapolis Bloggers Review - "Captain America: The First Avenger":
(check back soon!)
They are offering up free tickets to a screening of the movie "Captain America: The First Avenger." The screening is July 20, at 7:00pm at a theater on the north side. We've been asked not to disclose the theater, but whoever wins the tickets will obviously get that info.
If you're interested, all you have to do is follow this link for details: INDIANAPOLIS!! Enter to Win Passes to see “Captain America: The First Avenger”! Keep in mind that you cannot buy tickets for this event, so be sure to head over to The Film Yap to win yours today!
Also, if you are a blogger in Indianapolis and you see "Captain America: The First Avenger", be sure to write up a quick review on your blog and tell us what you thought of it. Even if you don't watch it till it comes out on DVD. After you've written your post, just send us an email and we'll add a link to your post from this page. So if anyone wants to know what Indy Bloggers thought of the movie, they can come here to find out. Thanks much and keep up the blogging!
Indianapolis Bloggers Review - "Captain America: The First Avenger":
(check back soon!)
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Mutts at Radio Radio: June 18, 2011
Hey Indianapolis music fans: The two-man, Chicago-based band Mutts is going to be playing this Saturday, June 18th at Radio Radio. Mutts combines the musical talents of Bob Buckstaff and Mike Maimone to bring basically the awesomest duo out of Chicago since Ryne Sandberg and Chicago-style pizza.
Doors to the show open at 8:00pm. Tickets are $7 at the door and you must be 21 to enter. Unless you can sneak in with a fake ID. But that is not recommended. For more on the show, click the Facebook page here.
Mutts was awesome enough to release their first three EPs absolutely free of charge. So you literally have nothing to lose by checking them out. Except maybe your time. And whatever internet connection you pay for. But the music is free! See below:
Mutts decided from the outset to give away their first 3 EPs. By tracking them in a few days and releasing them immediately, the band has kept fresh, honest and spontaneous music flowing to their growing fan base. All three are available as free downloads on http://download.MuttsMusic.com, as well as on CD at shows.
And here's a recent video from Mutts. Don't let the high-tech camera work fool you. These guys produce their own videos:
Thanks to Mutts for bringing this event to our attention. You can find out more than you would ever want to know about Mutts by clicking here:
RV Camping in Indianapolis
The following guest post was written by Joe Laing. We're hopeful it will bring some attention to the Indianapolis area for any RV-camping folk out there. Indianapolis Bloggers is in no way affiliated with El Monte RV and received no compensation for this post.
Come on down through Indy on your next RV trip!
Eight Cool Reasons to RV to Indianapolis
Ever been to Indy by RV? Indianapolis, at the center of outdoor recreation, historical sites and engaging cultural tours, makes a great home base for a week of fun. RVers in search of something different this summer should definitely pay heed to our eight cool reasons to RV to Indianapolis.
About the Author
Joe Laing is the Marketing Director for El Monte RV, a nationwide RV Rental company. For other great RV camping vacation ideas see the Monty's Musings RV Camping Blog, and for RV camping pictures see Monty's RV Vacation Photo / Picture Gallery.
Come on down through Indy on your next RV trip!
Eight Cool Reasons to RV to Indianapolis
Ever been to Indy by RV? Indianapolis, at the center of outdoor recreation, historical sites and engaging cultural tours, makes a great home base for a week of fun. RVers in search of something different this summer should definitely pay heed to our eight cool reasons to RV to Indianapolis.
- Bloomington, IN, just an hour south, tempts visitors with cultural and outdoor attractions. Hoosier National Forest, Lake Monroe and a whole host of scenic trails make this the perfect daytrip for outdoor adventurers. A lively collection of museums, galleries and entertainment venues create a college town with something for every traveler.
- Colonel Eli Lilly Civil War Museum, a magnificent Indianapolis memorial to those who fought and died in the Civil War, should provide you with plenty of unforgettable vacation photos.
- Conner Prairie Interactive History Museum, thirty minutes north of the city in Fishers, IN, is affiliated with the Smithsonian and an excellent way to spend the day interactively immersed in history.
- Indianapolis Motor Speedway, the largest spectator sport facility in the world, has a race for every type of fan. The iconic Indy 500, NASCAR's Brickyard 400 and the RedBull Indianapolis GP keep the action blazing all season. RV camping fans can tailgate to their hearts' content by reserving a campsite right at the Speedway!
- Indiana Wine Trail – Batesville, IN, home to Ertel Cellars Winery, is the perfect place to start your journey through Southeastern Indiana's wine country. Make the loop to Versailles, Vevay, Madison and Commiskey to experience six artisan wineries, charming villages and plenty of awesome scenery.
- Louisville, KY – Why limit your Indianapolis RV camping trip to one state? Louisville is only two hours away, and adds a layer of riverfront fun to your trip. Take a steamboat ride down the Ohio River on the Belle of Louisville or explore ancient fossil beds at Falls of the Ohio State Park across the river in Clarksville, IN. You can still be back in Indianapolis for dinner!
- Mass Ave Arts District in Indianapolis is filled with galleries, restaurants, boutiques and theaters if you're hoping to shop, dine and lose yourself in the nightlife of Indy while on vacation.
- White River State Park – Looking for many ways to be entertained on the same day? White River State Park, an urban collection of museums, green spaces and waterways, encompasses the Indianapolis Zoo, the NCAA Hall of Champions and many more ways to spend your vacation hours. Bike, hike, Segway, or kayak your way through the trails and canals and then stop to enjoy art and entertainment at this top-ranked park's many venues.
About the Author
Joe Laing is the Marketing Director for El Monte RV, a nationwide RV Rental company. For other great RV camping vacation ideas see the Monty's Musings RV Camping Blog, and for RV camping pictures see Monty's RV Vacation Photo / Picture Gallery.
Indianapolis Blogger: That Plus Size Girl

THAT PLUS SIZE GIRL was created to be the voice for plus size women in the world of fashion!! Lover of all things fabulous...I am a true diva at heart, a city girl with a country girl smile that loves fashion and helping others. Proudly wearing a size 12. I celebrate my curves but I believe being healthy is most important! As the world of plus size fashion evolves I plan on being your eyes and ears!
Love yourself then others...Confidence is your best accessory on the runway of life!!!

That Plus Size Girl
Comcast Indianapolis
Hey Indianapolis- If you're somehow reading this without your own internet connection and want to know where you can get some internet, then click on the link below. You can pay Comcast and they'll give you cable or internet connections. It's a crazy world out there.
Comcast Indianapolis
Disclosure Statement
This disclosure is pursuant to 16 CFR § 255. Indianapolis Bloggers is required to disclose that we did receive compensation for writing this post. Isn't that crazy? If you want to send us wheelbarrow loads of cash to write about your service or product, just send an email to indianapolisbloggers@gmail.com.
Comcast Indianapolis
Disclosure Statement
This disclosure is pursuant to 16 CFR § 255. Indianapolis Bloggers is required to disclose that we did receive compensation for writing this post. Isn't that crazy? If you want to send us wheelbarrow loads of cash to write about your service or product, just send an email to indianapolisbloggers@gmail.com.
Friday, June 10, 2011
Congratulations to Winner of Funeral Party Contest!
A big "Thank You!" to all those who participated in our Funeral Party Free CD and Concert Contest. We appreciate all of you and hope you try again in our upcoming contests. Just stay tuned.
Congrats to Virginia, our big winner! Virginia actually lucked out and won both the tickets and the CD. Be sure to get in touch with us to get your prize.
Thanks again everyone, and especially to Funeral Party and their marketing crew for sending us the CD and tickets.
Congrats to Virginia, our big winner! Virginia actually lucked out and won both the tickets and the CD. Be sure to get in touch with us to get your prize.
Thanks again everyone, and especially to Funeral Party and their marketing crew for sending us the CD and tickets.
Tuesday, June 07, 2011
Free CD and Free Tickets to Hear Funeral Party Playing at The Egyptian Room
*UPDATE* Congratulations Virginia!
Win Free Tickets to hear Funeral Party live at the Egyptian Room (Murat Theater) this Friday, June 10, 7:30 p.m. Also enter to win a free CD of their debut album, The Golden Age of Knowhere. All you have to do is send an email to indianapolisbloggers@gmail.com. Details below.
Chad Elliot, James Lawrence Torres, Kimo Kauhola and Tim Madrid are the men behind the music of Funeral Party. They recently released their debut album, The Golden Age of Knowhere, on March 29th of this year. Since then, they've performed on Jimmy Kimmel and David Letterman. They've even played their way into a Bacardi Rum advertising campaign. (see video below featuring "New York Moves to the Sound of L.A.")
Funeral Party is from Whittier, CA and started their journey to the big stage by playing local backyard parties. The band has played its way out of the streets of LA and is currently touring through the Midwest. To learn more about the band, take the time to watch this mini-documentary:
You can keep up with the band here:
Funeral Party Website
Facebook Page
Order The Golden Age of Knowhere CD by clicking here.
On June 10, 2011, Panic at the Disco, Fun and Funeral Party will be playing in Indianapolis. The show is being held in the Egyptian Room at Old National Centre. If you're interested in buying tickets, click here. To win two tickets for free, see below.
Now comes the fun stuff. If you want to win tickets to hear Funeral Party, Panic at the Disco and Fun, read on my friend. Entering the contest is super easy. All you have to do is send an email to indianapolisbloggers@gmail.com. Literally, that's it.
However, there are a number of ways you can increase your odds of winning. For each thing you do, you will get an extra point. For each point, you get your name thrown in the hat again.
1) Add our Feed to your reader. (1 Point)
2) Follow us on Twitter. (1 Point)
3) Friend us on Facebook. (1 Point)
4) Retweet or Share this page to tell your friends. (1 Point)
5) Refer a friend who then signs up for the contest. (1 Point)
6) Send us a check for $10,000 USD. (2 Points)
7) Send us a check for $1,000,000 USD. (You win the world)
When you send your email, just list all the things you've done. If you already do all those things, let us know that too because that's like 33 bonus points in our book (not literally). Make sure you tell us if a friend referred you, so they will get their extra point.
First name drawn will win two (2) tickets to the show. Next name drawn will win the CD. If you're paying attention - that means you may win both!
Just leave a comment if you have any questions. Good luck!
Win Free Tickets to hear Funeral Party live at the Egyptian Room (Murat Theater) this Friday, June 10, 7:30 p.m. Also enter to win a free CD of their debut album, The Golden Age of Knowhere. All you have to do is send an email to indianapolisbloggers@gmail.com. Details below.
Chad Elliot, James Lawrence Torres, Kimo Kauhola and Tim Madrid are the men behind the music of Funeral Party. They recently released their debut album, The Golden Age of Knowhere, on March 29th of this year. Since then, they've performed on Jimmy Kimmel and David Letterman. They've even played their way into a Bacardi Rum advertising campaign. (see video below featuring "New York Moves to the Sound of L.A.")
Funeral Party is from Whittier, CA and started their journey to the big stage by playing local backyard parties. The band has played its way out of the streets of LA and is currently touring through the Midwest. To learn more about the band, take the time to watch this mini-documentary:
You can keep up with the band here:
Funeral Party Website
Facebook Page
Order The Golden Age of Knowhere CD by clicking here.
The Concert: Panic at the Disco, Fun and Funeral Party
On June 10, 2011, Panic at the Disco, Fun and Funeral Party will be playing in Indianapolis. The show is being held in the Egyptian Room at Old National Centre. If you're interested in buying tickets, click here. To win two tickets for free, see below.
The Contest: Free Tickets to the June 10 show and Free The Golden Age of Knowhere CD
Now comes the fun stuff. If you want to win tickets to hear Funeral Party, Panic at the Disco and Fun, read on my friend. Entering the contest is super easy. All you have to do is send an email to indianapolisbloggers@gmail.com. Literally, that's it.
However, there are a number of ways you can increase your odds of winning. For each thing you do, you will get an extra point. For each point, you get your name thrown in the hat again.
1) Add our Feed to your reader. (1 Point)
2) Follow us on Twitter. (1 Point)
3) Friend us on Facebook. (1 Point)
4) Retweet or Share this page to tell your friends. (1 Point)
5) Refer a friend who then signs up for the contest. (1 Point)
6) Send us a check for $10,000 USD. (2 Points)
7) Send us a check for $1,000,000 USD. (You win the world)
When you send your email, just list all the things you've done. If you already do all those things, let us know that too because that's like 33 bonus points in our book (not literally). Make sure you tell us if a friend referred you, so they will get their extra point.
First name drawn will win two (2) tickets to the show. Next name drawn will win the CD. If you're paying attention - that means you may win both!
Just leave a comment if you have any questions. Good luck!
Free Tickets and IB Reviews of "Green Lantern"
Hey Indianapolis Bloggers- Our friends over at The Film Yap are having another advance screening giveaway.
They are offering up free tickets to a screening of the movie "Green Lantern." The screening is June 15, at 7:30pm at a theater on the north side. We've been asked not to disclose the theater, but whoever wins the tickets will obviously get that info.
If you're interested, all you have to do is go leave a comment somewhere on their blog, then shoot them an email. That's it! Follow this link for details: INDIANAPOLIS!! Enter to Win Passes to see “Green Lantern”! Keep in mind that you cannot buy tickets for this event, so be sure to head over to The Film Yap to win yours today!
Also, if you are a blogger in Indianapolis and you see "Green Lantern", be sure to write up a quick review on your blog and tell us what you thought of it. Even if you don't watch it till it comes out on DVD. After you've written your post, just send us an email and we'll add a link to your post from this page. So if anyone wants to know what Indy Bloggers thought of the movie, they can come here to find out. Thanks much and keep up the blogging!
Indianapolis Bloggers Review - "Green Lantern":
Commentary Track - Movie Review: Green Lantern (2011)
Monday, June 06, 2011
Congratulations to Winner of "Valleyheart" Contest!
A big "Thank You!" to all those who participated in our She Wants Revenge "Valleyheart" LP Contest. We appreciate all of you and hope you try again in our upcoming contests. Just stay tuned.
Congrats to Cort (@Ashsmart22 on Twitter), our big winner! Be sure to get in touch with us to get your prize.
Thanks again everyone, and especially to She Wants Revenge and their marketing crew for sending us the LPs to give away.
Congrats to Cort (@Ashsmart22 on Twitter), our big winner! Be sure to get in touch with us to get your prize.
Thanks again everyone, and especially to She Wants Revenge and their marketing crew for sending us the LPs to give away.
Thursday, May 26, 2011
100th Anniversary of the Indianapolis 500: Sunday, May 29th, 2011
It's race weekend here in Indianapolis and everyone is getting geared up for the 100th Anniversary of the Indianapolis 500. We've thrown together a few fun facts that everyone should know about the 500. Hope you all have fun this weekend with whatever tailgating, cookouts, and hangouts you have going on. Be sure to drive safe and enjoy the festivities!
Fun 500 Facts:
1) Around 400,000 people could be in attendance.
2) That's a lot of people eating a lot of food and drinking a lot of beer (and a few other beverages). According to this chart, IMS would need around 5,000 Porta Potties to account for all that waste.
3) Before the race, they always play "Taps." And Jim Nabors always sings "Back Home Again in Indiana."
4) During rain delays, the crowd gets a bit restless. This video is the tamest evidence of this fact we could find. Pray for no rain. Pretty epic mudslide/faceplant here:
For more on the Indy 500 and various events going on this weekend, just follow these links to the IMS website:
Fun Facts Here
Carb Day: Friday May 27, 2011
Indy 500 Veterans signing Autographs on May 28, 2011.
Official Blog of the Motor Speedway
Buy tickets for IMS events here
IB Reviews
Are you a blogger in Indianapolis? If you are and you write a post about any of the events surrounding the Indianapolis 500, write to us and let us know! We'll add a link to your post here. Click the links below to see what folks in Indianapolis have to say:
(check back often for updates!)
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Indianapolis Blogger: The Tale of Going Natural
I'm a simple girl. The blogs that I read about natural hair talk about how proud they were to chop their hair and how they researched it and everything. I read some stuff beforehand of course, had talked to my husband a couple times about it. But what it came down to was necessity. I had matted hair. Like a dog. You see, I had my hair micro-braided and apparently, the chick had no clue what she is doing. This is what you get from knowing someone who knows someone, who doesn't have a license to do hair but does it out of her house while everyone around is smoking pot.
Anyway, I chopped all my hair off and for the first time ever (I never let anyone cut my hair willingly) I didn't cry about it. I felt a sense of empowerment.
I started this blog mainly because I am a sort of well, clueless, about hair. I figure there are other people out there that want to go natural, but have no clue what they are getting into. These are my thoughts, trials, and tribulations on the subject. Occasionally I will have non-hair related posts, but who doesn't?
Sit back and enjoy the show.
Please join me on my facebook page at: www.facebook.com/TheTOGN
I am on the twitter! I am witty with the twitty at: @mrsckugs
Or feel free to use my comment box at the top of my page.
In addition to doing the hair thing, I am an avid scrapbooker, amateur sewer, and extreme animal lover! I am currently in school getting my bachelors in Computer Information Technology.
The Tale of Going Natural
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Free LP!! She Wants Revenge - "Valleyheart" Album
Free vinyl record of She Wants Revenge's new album, Valleyheart! Congratulations to our winner, Cort!
The alternative band is already receiving raves for their new single and video, “Must Be the One”. If you haven't heard it yet, you can watch the video on Youtube. See below:
Order Valleyheart by clicking here.
Buy the single, "Must be the One" from iTunes here.
Use this coupon from Best Buy to get it for $7.99. (valid till 6/4/11)
On May 28, 2011, She Wants Revenge will be playing in the WRZX May Day Festival at Verizon Wireless Music Center. If you're interested in finding X103 May Day ticket drop locations, click here. To go ahead and buy the tickets yourself, click here.
Entering the contest is super easy. All you have to do is send an email to indianapolisbloggers@gmail.com. However, there are a number of ways you can increase your odds of winning. For each thing you do, you will get an extra point. For each point, you get your name thrown in the hat again.
1) Add our Feed to your reader. (1 Point)
2) Follow us on Twitter. (1 Point)
3) Friend us on Facebook. (1 Point)
4) Retweet or Share this page to tell your friends. (1 Point)
5) Refer a friend who then signs up for the contest. (1 Point)
6) Send us a check for $10,000 USD. (2 Points)
7) Send us a check for $1,000,000 USD. (The album is yours)
When you send your email, just list all the things you've done. Make sure you tell us if a friend referred you, so they will get their extra point. If we find you have lied about anything, you will be automatically disqualified and it's no wonder you're still here after the Rapture. Just leave a comment if you have any questions. Good luck!
IB Reviews
Are you a blogger in Indianapolis? If you are and you write a post about She Wants Revenge's new album, or the concert in Indianapolis, write to us and let us know! We'll add a link to your post here. Click the links below to see what folks in Indianapolis have to say:
(check back often)
The Band: She Wants Revenge
Justin Warfield and Adam Bravin are the brains behind the band She Wants Revenge. For their third album, Valleyheart, they have teamed up with drummer Scott Ellis and guitarist Thomas Froggatt. Valleyheart will be released May 23, 2011.The alternative band is already receiving raves for their new single and video, “Must Be the One”. If you haven't heard it yet, you can watch the video on Youtube. See below:
Order Valleyheart by clicking here.
Buy the single, "Must be the One" from iTunes here.
Use this coupon from Best Buy to get it for $7.99. (valid till 6/4/11)
The Concert: WRZX May Day Festival
On May 28, 2011, She Wants Revenge will be playing in the WRZX May Day Festival at Verizon Wireless Music Center. If you're interested in finding X103 May Day ticket drop locations, click here. To go ahead and buy the tickets yourself, click here.
The Contest: Free Valleyheart Vinyl Record
Entering the contest is super easy. All you have to do is send an email to indianapolisbloggers@gmail.com. However, there are a number of ways you can increase your odds of winning. For each thing you do, you will get an extra point. For each point, you get your name thrown in the hat again.
1) Add our Feed to your reader. (1 Point)
2) Follow us on Twitter. (1 Point)
3) Friend us on Facebook. (1 Point)
4) Retweet or Share this page to tell your friends. (1 Point)
5) Refer a friend who then signs up for the contest. (1 Point)
6) Send us a check for $10,000 USD. (2 Points)
7) Send us a check for $1,000,000 USD. (The album is yours)
When you send your email, just list all the things you've done. Make sure you tell us if a friend referred you, so they will get their extra point. If we find you have lied about anything, you will be automatically disqualified and it's no wonder you're still here after the Rapture. Just leave a comment if you have any questions. Good luck!
IB Reviews
Are you a blogger in Indianapolis? If you are and you write a post about She Wants Revenge's new album, or the concert in Indianapolis, write to us and let us know! We'll add a link to your post here. Click the links below to see what folks in Indianapolis have to say:
(check back often)
Friday, May 20, 2011
Free Tickets and IB Reviews of "The Hangover 2"
Hey Indianapolis Bloggers- Our friends over at The Film Yap are having another advance screening giveaway.
They are offering up free tickets to a screening of the movie "The Hangover 2." The screening is May 24, at 7:30pm at a theater on the north side. We've been asked not to disclose the theater, but whoever wins the tickets will obviously get that info.
If you're interested, all you have to do is go leave a comment somewhere on their blog, then shoot them an email. That's it! Follow this link for details: INDIANAPOLIS!! Enter to Win Passes to See “The Hangover Part II”! Keep in mind that you cannot buy tickets for this event, so be sure to head over to The Film Yap to win yours today!
Also, if you are a blogger in Indianapolis and you see The Hangover 2, be sure to write up a quick review on your blog and tell us what you thought of it. Even if you don't watch it till it comes out on DVD. After you've written your post, just send us an email and we'll add a link to your post from this page. So if anyone wants to know what Indy Bloggers thought of the movie, they can come here to find out. Thanks much and keep up the blogging!
Indianapolis Bloggers Review - The Hangover 2:
NUVO - Ed reviews 'The Hangover 2'
Joe at The Film Yap - The Hangover Part II
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Indianapolis Blogger: Eternal Lizdom
I'm Liz. And if you are new to Eternal Lizdom (or if you are an obsessed stalker fan), you might want to get to know me a bit from my previous posts. Given that there are over 1,000 posts on this blog, it would be time consuming to read through everything (but a big gold star to anyone who does!). I'm hoping to make it a little easier for you by sharing a bunch of links that maybe show who I am and what I'm all about.
I consider myself a life blogger. I wear a lot of different hats so I can't imagine pigeon holing myself into one of those niches. Mommy blogger, fitness blogger, relationship blogger, photo blogger, Christian blogger, and so on.
We live in Indiana in a suburb outside of Indianapolis. My husband and I met in 2001 in community theatre. We were married in October 2003. We both work full time- he is an IT guy and I'm a corporate office worker. We have 2 kids- Teagan was born in 2005 and Zach was born in 2007. We have 1 pooch- a senior toy poodle named Sassy.
That's the basics, I suppose. Here are some of my favorite posts and some of my readers' favorite posts. Enjoy! And I hope you'll become a regular- feel free to jump in with comments or e-mail me. I blog because I love the connections to other people so I'd love to connect with you!
The best way to get to know me is by reading the series I wrote on how I "do it all."
Life of Lizdom - Part 1
Life of Lizdom - Part 2
Life of Lizdom - Philosophy
Life of Lizdom - Practicality
The Big Secret
And these are posts I've written that either really speak to who I am or that tell you more about me.
I'm passionate about self esteem and loving yourself and the messages we send to our kids.
I am very honest about parenting- one of our hardest battles was when our kindergartner started bullying kids in her class.
I'm a survivor.
I'm passionate about my faith and it leads me on a path of love, respect, and equality- for all.
I am a runner- albeit a slow one.
You are always welcome to e-mail me if you want to get to know me better! Thanks for stopping by!
Eternal Lizdom
Monday, May 16, 2011
Indianapolis Blogger: The Lazy Christian
I don’t like reading a lot of Christian self-help stuff. They make me feel really, really bad. Yes, I’m a lousy Christian. Yes, I know I should do better. Yes, Jesus is coming so I’d better get a move on.
Not. Helpful.
Some blogs make you think, “Wow! So I need to move to a foreign country and spread the Gospel!” Or, “I’m giving myself two weeks to read the Bible cover to cover!” Maybe you should. Maybe you’re the type of person who would benefit from that advice. If so, then there it was. Do those things. Tell God I gave you the hint you needed. He’ll be glad I did something.
However, many people aren’t called to go to a foreign country, and, personally, my head would explode if I attempted to read the Bible in two weeks. Give me two years, maybe. I need a plan, but it needs to be manageable. Something I can handle and stick with. Something that will help me grow in my faith to the point where I don’t need a schedule or a plan anymore—I just do the Christiany things that I’m supposed to be doing.
First, I need to make a confession:
I am lazy.
There. I said it. I admit it. And I’m not talking just laziness in my faith. No, I’m all kinds of lazy. I’m sure we all have days like that, but for me, it’s a lifestyle. In fact, it’s amazing this article is even written. I want to play video games on the computer or watch movies instead of doing awful things like chores. I am the greatest dawdler who ever lived. I’ve found ways to waste time that others only dream of. I am seriously lazy.
I don’t particularly want to be classified as such. Part of me is even embarrassed to put it in writing. I want to be a go-getter! I want ambition! I’d even take the busy life of a soccer mom over being lazy. The trouble is that I don't know how to get out of this rut or even where to start.
The same happens with my faith. I want to be a prayer warrior. I want to be all fiery for God! I want to quote Scripture and know where stuff is in the Bible! I’ve even thought, “Hey, I could go to seminary or get a master’s in something religious, and then I’ll know everything and be done!”
Apparently, it doesn’t work that way. Faith is about having a relationship with God. While being able to find certain Scriptures is helpful, they’re only helpful if you’ve got God’s guidance on how to apply them to your life. There’s not really a short cut.
That being said, I really need to change what I’m doing. Now, I’m no theologian. I’m not someone who’s got it all together all the time, but we all need a starting place, right? My husband likes to quote James 4:8, which says that God will draw near to those who draw near to him. I need to make an effort. I need to show God that we’re ready to make a change and that we want a better relationship with him. That’s when we’ll start to feel a change in our hearts and our minds. That’s when the laziness will be replaced by a fire for God.
I don’t want my blog to just spout advice. Sometimes I feel like people tell me what I should do when they’ve never felt the way I have or have never struggled with the issues I do. Not so here. As the title would indicate, I’m lazy, and if I talk about something you should try, that means I’ve tried it. It’s given me a starting place for putting my faith on the right track. Should I get off track at any point—and chances are I will—I always have a method for beginning again.
I really hope you find this helpful. I have. And I hope this helps you find new ways to ditch your laziness and be an active Christ follower. Because he wants to spend time with us, you know. Even though we’re lazy.
Rachel A. Snyder
The Lazy Christian
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Indianapolis Blogger: Parenting, Politics, & Religion

I moved to Carmel almost three years ago, my friends from Indy LOVE to give me flack about living in Carmel. You can read all about it in my post, Carmelite in Training. To be honest, I'd never even heard of Carmel until a couple of months before we moved here so I had no idea what they were talking about when they first started giving me a hard time! I do love it here though, and I get why they give me heck but I don't mind it.
I love to talk about Parenting, Politics, & Religion, hence the witty blog title, but I don't try to indoctrinate anyone with my opinions. I love when people agree with me but I really love when people (respectfully) disagree with my views!
When I started blogging, I didn't think anyone would read it but I thought it would be a good way to get my thoughts "on paper" so I didn't blurt them out in some inappropriate context, like at my husband's company Christmas party. ha! (true story!) Now that I have a few readers (very few, but I'm not greedy!) it's a bit addicting! Having readers who don't know me well does make me worry sometimes, I don't want anyone thinking I'm a bitter, crazy, conservative nutjob! I tried to clear that up in Words Hurt, Lisa. That's also why I changed the tag line in my title to say "Passive aggressive ramblings of a sarcastic housewife where humor trumps fact-EVERY time!" It used to say "Agree with me or leave!" nah, I'm just joking!
One of my favorite posts, to date is Should I Get Out of Here? I laughed hysterically living it, writing it, and everytime I read it I laugh again! I also enjoy rereading each blog I've written about the Carmel PD and of course all that I've written about my beautiful babies.
I find my blog to be a very cathartic place. I also love that I have a journal of things that I think are important in our day to day lives. I get excited thinking that it may make someone laugh, smile, or really think. I hope that when others read it they have one of those reactions and I'm honored that Indianapolis Bloggers has accepted me and I invite you all to read it and COMMENT, seriously, the comments are good for my ego!
Parenting, Politics, & Religion
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Free Tickets and IB Reviews of "Kung Fu Panda 2: The Kaboom of Doom"

They are offering up free tickets to a screening of the movie "Kung Fu Panda 2." The screening is Saturday, May 21, 11:00am at a theater on the north side. We've been asked not to disclose the theater, but whoever wins the tickets will obviously get that info.
If you're interested, all you have to do is go leave a comment somewhere on their blog, then shoot them an email. That's it! Follow this link for details: INDIANAPOLIS!! Enter to Win Passes to See Kung Fu Panda 2! Keep in mind that you cannot buy tickets for this event, so be sure to head over to The Film Yap to win yours today!
Also, if you are a blogger in Indianapolis and you see the movie Kung Fu Panda 2, be sure to write up a quick review on your blog and tell us what you thought of it. Even if you don't watch it till it comes out on DVD. After you've written your post, just send us an email and we'll add a link to your post from this page. So if anyone wants to know what Indy Bloggers thought of the movie, they can come here to find out. Thanks much and keep up the blogging!
Indianapolis Bloggers Review - Kung Fu Panda 2:
Christopher Lloyd at The Film Yap - Kung Fu Panda 2
Helen Geib at Commentary Track - Movie Review – Kung Fu Panda 2 (2011)
Indianapolis Blogger: AroundIndy.com Blog
Upcoming events in Indiana listed FREE for Theatres, Museums, Nightclubs, Fine Arts & Galleries, Sports, Fairs and Festivals, Garage Sales, and lots, LOTS more.
AroundIndy.com Blog
AroundIndy.com Blog
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Indianapolis Blogger: Moosh In Indy.

Hi. I’m Casey Mullins. I grew up in Salt Lake City, Utah and moved to Indianapolis, Indiana in 2006 with my husband Cody and our daughter Addie (born December 14, 2004.)
I’ve been married to Cody for almost 10 years (I met him when I was 18, married him when I was 19.)
I started this blog as a way to keep my family updated on our little kid while we were so far away. Writing became a hobby and a habit, somewhere around 2008 a camera was added to my arsenal and I’ve loved where the two (writing and photography) have taken me since.
I write about depression, something I know a little too much about. I’ve also written about infertility, something I learned a lot about over a five year span. Only recently have I started writing about pregnancy because I am (due May 1, 2011.) And every once in a while I’ll write about being a Mormon, which I also am. There’s a bunch of other stuff about stuff too, much of it with pictures.
My biggest goal with my little space here is to let others know they’re not alone in their struggles or feelings. My wish is that we could all take better care of each other, realizing how much we have in common instead of tearing one another down for being, thinking, looking or believing in something different.
Sound good? Good.
Thank you for stopping by.

Moosh in Indy
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Indianapolis Blogger: Commentary Track

Hello everyone! My name is Helen, and I'm a lifelong Indianapolis resident and a huge movie buff. I run a movie-centric group blog called Commentary Track.
Commentary Track has been going strong since 2007. The guys and I review an eclectic mix of films: Hollywood and foreign, new and old, famous and obscure. A weekly DVD/Blu-ray recommendation and a monthly Hollywood releases preview are regular features.
Movie lovers who like to wander off the beaten path will want to start reading "Thinking Outside the Multiplex." A regular Friday feature, TOTM is a comprehensive listing of arthouse releases, festivals and other non-multiplex film fare playing in Indianapolis and around the state. It also comes with a handy sidebar listing of links to local theaters and movie groups.
Drop by sometime and leave a comment or two. Like all bloggers we love to get comments, especially when they turn a review into a discussion.
Monday, May 09, 2011
Morty's Comedy Joint: Free Tickets!

Hey Indianapolis- Morty's Comedy Joint is currently offering free tickets to everyone in Indianapolis! See below and be sure to get your ticket while supplies last!
In celebration of the new Morty's Comedy Joint's 1st birthday, we're offering one free ticket to everyone in Indianapolis now through the end of the summer! (While supplies last, of course).
Morty's is a great place to see a show - with a full dinner menu and some fantastic acts, there's a reason ABC's local affiliate voted Morty's the best place in Indianapolis to see live comedy.
You've got 100 shows to choose from! Coming up are BET's Shang, Sirius' Pete Dominick, Last Comic Standing's Alonzo Bodden, the legendary Bobby Slayton, and more! You can also use the tickets to see (and judge) our open mic contest, the Great Indiana Mic-Off. If you'd like to redeem your free ticket, visit http://www.mortyscomedy.com/birthday
Thanks, and enjoy the show!
Morty's is located at:
3625 East 96th St.
Indianapolis, IN 46240
Indianapolis Blogger: IN[dy] Girl in Love

I am too scatter brained to settle on one specific topic so I'm just going to write about whatever the heck I want. I am a loving daughter, sister, g-daughter, girlfriend, friend, aunt, special auntie, dog owner, free spirit, artist, deep thinker, former-fashionista, health care worker-- looking forward to the future.

IN[dy] Girl in Love
Indianapolis Blogger: The Bass Geek
Ryan Williams is a 36-year-old aficionado of low-end frequencies and digital gadgetry. He and his wife make their home in the lovely Fountain Square neighborhood of Indianapolis, where they tend to their old house and occasionally foray into the neighborhood for sustenance. Ryan has written books on subjects including the aforementioned bass guitar and digital music, as well as podcasts, MySpace, eDiscovery, and real estate software (listed in order of interest to the author). He plays for several acts in the Indianapolis area, both live and in the studio.
The Bass Geek
Friday, May 06, 2011
Indianapolis Bloggers Button
Due to popular demand, we have developed an official Indianapolis Bloggers Button. Please be sure to grab the code from the IB Button on the sidebar and share the love on your blog. If you have any questions about how this works, just ask. Keep up the blogging!
Indianapolis Men: Take Care of Your Facial Hair - Wahl Let It Grow Tour
Hey Indianapolis- We've been contacted by the folks at Wahl Nation to help spread the word about a very worthwhile cause:
If you'd like to see pictures of Man of the Year Champions, click this link: (Wahl Nation Man of the Year). Here's a picture of last year's Man of the Year winners:Facial hair is growing in popularity with 62 percent of guys sporting it though out the year. However, many of them report wanting tips and advice on how to better sculpt the perfect mug.
To help guys in the grooming department, the Wahl 30 foot mobile barbershop is coming to the Indianapolis Air Show from May 14 – May 15 to provide free grooming tips and facial hair trims. And, for every trim, Wahl will donate $1 to the National Fallen Fire Fighters Foundation – a non-profit organization that honors America’s fallen firefighters and assists their surviving families and coworkers.
As part of the tour, guys can also enter the Wahl Man of the Year contest – a nationwide search for one man demonstrating excellence in facial hair above everyone else.
And check out the Mustache Man of the Year from 2008:
His name is Evan. Respect.
If you're from Indianapolis, and you "demonstrate excellence in facial hair," make sure you take the time to enter the contest. For the rest of you, be sure to go to this link and vote for your Indianapolis Man of the Year, after May 15th: (Man of the Year: Indianapolis). Hopefully, a bearded champion will emerge from the Indianapolis area.
To learn more about the Wahl Let It Grow Tour, click here.
Lastly, here are a few of our favorite pics from previous Wahl Let It Grow Tours:
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