Some people throw themselves into a hobby. Knitting, painting, scrapbooking.... I choose to cook. I like to think of cooking as a means to an end. Now, I don’t just mean whipping up some Hamburger Helper between swim practice and Zumba, I mean researching the perfect recipe, tweaking it to be my own and making magic with the LG.
Cooking for myself and my family is more than just a necessity. I truly enjoy it. Now, that doesn't mean that I wake up every morning, tie on an apron and start taking orders. No way! But I do enjoy the happiness that a tall stack of pancakes or a dish of steaming hot enchiladas brings my 3 Boys! Nigella Lawson once said when asked what she thought of a particular dish on Iron Chef, that if the food brings her pleasure to eat then it is good.
My food isn't fancy but it is real. My recipes aren't from Le Cordon Bleu but they were tested in my kitchen and they work for me. My Panel of Judges seem to agree as well :)
So I hope you enjoy reading about my culinary successes as well as my failures...... and all of the life that happens along the way.
Find me at:
@basilmomma on Twitter

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