Hey Indianapolis- On Saturday, September 8th, Color Me Rad is coming to Indianapolis at the Indiana State Fairgrounds!
If you're like me, you probably ask yourself the following question on a daily basis: "I wonder what it's like to run 5 kilometers while getting bombed with every color of the rainbow?" Well, now is your chance to answer that age-old question!
The next question you may be asking yourself is, "What the heck is a kilometer - and will five of them kill me?" Well, I've got the answer to that question too, my metrics-challenged friend. But don't feel dumb, I had to look it up:
So as you can see, five kilometers is a mere 3.10686 miles. Which means 3 miles of sheer joy as you get pummeled with happiness. And remember- you don't even have to run, you can walk it!
In all seriousness, Color Me Rad is an awesome event for runners and spectators alike. The race benefits Special Olympics Indiana, so you can have your fun knowing that you are also helping others. And if you'd rather be the one throwing color, instead of running the race, you can sign up to volunteer and help shower runners with glorious color bombs. (sign up here)
So get out there and have some fun! Registration ends September 5th, so don't wait. The cost is a mere $45 to register, but keep an eye out for a special contest from Indianapolis Bloggers to get your FREE entry (contest details can be found here).
Register here.
Watch the video below to see what's in store. Also, be sure to check out the following links:
About Color Me Rad
Color Me Rad Facebook Page
Color Me Rad Twitter Page
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Indianapolis has so many great runs, and mini marathons. I feel blessed to live in such a great city.
These photos are so rad! One day I will run a marathon I mean I am born and raised in Indy so I have zero excuse...right?
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