Some people throw themselves into a hobby. Knitting, painting, scrapbooking.... I choose to cook. I like to think of cooking as a means to an end. Now, I don’t just mean whipping up some Hamburger Helper between swim practice and Zumba, I mean researching the perfect recipe, tweaking it to be my own and making magic with the LG.
Cooking for myself and my family is more than just a necessity. I truly enjoy it. Now, that doesn't mean that I wake up every morning, tie on an apron and start taking orders. No way! But I do enjoy the happiness that a tall stack of pancakes or a dish of steaming hot enchiladas brings my 3 Boys! Nigella Lawson once said when asked what she thought of a particular dish on Iron Chef, that if the food brings her pleasure to eat then it is good.
My food isn't fancy but it is real. My recipes aren't from Le Cordon Bleu but they were tested in my kitchen and they work for me. My Panel of Judges seem to agree as well :)
So I hope you enjoy reading about my culinary successes as well as my failures...... and all of the life that happens along the way.
Indianapolis Bloggers recently received a Tweet requesting that we help spread the word about a Hot Pink Party. Well, if there's a Hot Pink Party happening in Indianapolis, then say no more. It sounds like the stuff dreams are made of, and it's coming soon to Indy. So read on and see what it's all about!
The Event:
On September 15, in The Fisbeck Room at 14 West, GlamourGals will be hosting its 4th Hot Pink Party! Previous parties have taken place in New York and Los Angeles, but nobody knows Hot Pink Parties like Indianapolis.
We know what you're thinking. "Okay, so I agree that a Hot Pink Party sounds amazingly awesome. But, what exactly would I be getting myself into?" Well, glad you asked. Here's a quick blurb from the GlamourGals site:
Guests will learn to make hot pink scarves, purchase raffles, and mingle with special guests and like minded philanthropic, fashionable Indy women while enjoying snacks and spreading awareness.
So the point of the party (and of this blogpost) is to raise awareness about GlamourGals and the community service they provide. Please read on to learn more.
Below are all the specific details about the Hot Pink Party. If you're interested in all the knitty gritty, just click here.
Thursday, September 15th
6:00-8:30 p.m.
14 West
The Fisbeck Room
About GlamourGals:
Imagine yourself 50 years from now. Gosh you are old. You are probably living in some kind of senior home. Maybe most of your friends have already died. Maybe your family is too busy for you. Maybe the highlight of your day is getting apple sauce and Cool Whip for dessert after lunch. Maybe the worst thing is to feel you've been forgotten. And maybe you yourself have forgotten how special you are.
In all seriousness, GlamourGals provides an amazing community service to senior homes all across the country. Their mission statement sums it up pretty well:
GlamourGals is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit whose mission is to inspire and organize teens to provide ongoing complimentary beauty makeovers and companionship to elderly women living in senior homes.
It's something that is very much needed these days and we sincerely hope that Indianapolis will step up and support such a worthy cause.
We're going to leave you with a couple videos and a number of links. Please take the time to visit GlamourGals and hope you can make it to the Hot Pink Party!
GlamourGals Program Overview (be sure to pause and read each page):
GlamourGals Documentary (a short documentary filming the very first GlamourGals makeover):
Hello! I'm Mandy Crandell of SOMETHiNG MONUMENTAL. By day, I work as a graphic designer in a small print shop. Every other waking moment is spent working on my Etsy shop, blog, and photography. On my blog, you'll find lots of photos, jewelry/crafts, roadside attractions, handmade artists, tutorials, camera reviews, music, and local businesses.
The goal of my Project 365 blog is to post a photo about anything and everything everyday for the next 365 days. I look for subject matter that I find interesting and unique and can find something to photograph in almost any location or situation if I look long and hard enough. The majority of my photos posted on the blog are taken with my G4 iPhone or a Nikon Coolpix S3100. In addition to a daily static photo, sometimes I post iPhone videos, bonus photos and slide shows. It's something new and interesting everyday.
Or more commonly known as "dodge ball." I over complicate things. My wife thinks it's a genetic pre-disposition. I think she's on to something. I am married and have two wonderful daughters. I write. I take pictures. I name inanimate objects and have proudly carried a man-purse since 1997. That's how I roll.
Welcome to my blog. I write because I like to, plain and simple. At times it may seem incredibly random and I guess that’s because my brain is pretty random.
Bombardment Society
Jacob Leffler possesses 14 years as a media/communications professional and the bulk of that as a digital marketing business owner writing about experiences and innovations in the media and communications industries. Every now and again some rants on general life experience too. Lucky you.
Hey Indianapolis Bloggers- Our friends over at The Film Yap are having another advance screening giveaway.
They are offering up free tickets to a screening of the movie "Contagion." The screening is Tuesday, September 6, at 7:30pm at a theater on the north side. We've been asked not to disclose the theater, but whoever wins the tickets will obviously get that info.
If you're interested, all you have to do is follow this link for details: INDIANAPOLIS!! Win Passes to See “Contagion”! Keep in mind that you cannot buy tickets for this event, so be sure to head over to The Film Yap to win yours today!
Also, if you are a blogger in Indianapolis and you see "Contagion", be sure to write up a quick review on your blog and tell us what you thought of it. Even if you don't watch it till it comes out on DVD. After you've written your post, just send us an email and we'll add a link to your post from this page. So if anyone wants to know what Indy Bloggers thought of the movie, they can come here to find out. Thanks much and keep up the blogging!
Hi! I'm Sarah! I'm a mom of three little guys ages 8, 6 & 4 and one sweet little lady who will be 2 very soon. Number 5 is in the oven and should be here sometime around early December.
I'm married to the wonderful, handsome and Albanian Mr. Ordinary. I talk about him and the butterflies he gives me quite a bit. Maybe too much. Sorry.
We've just jumped in to our third year of homeschooling and we love it! Want to know a secret? You can do it, too! It's actually a lot of fun.
Our family loves to travel, get outside and keep life simple so we can enjoy our time together.
I'd LOVE to hear from you! If you have any questions for me please send an email (PR friendly!)
So grab your drink of choice, start clicking around and join right in my Ordinary Days!
Oh, here's a little FAQ page if you're interested!
Simply one of a billion personal blogs that talk about the author’s fascination with his or her own foibles. Mine are music, my family, my home, and the world in which I live.
What’s with the blog’s name?
My present sense of surroundings is thus akin to that of my childhood in wartime. Crime on the streets, hijacking in the air, hostage-taking and bombing in once well-policed countries – this state of siege, coupled with the daily warnings of danger from food and drink, medication and machinery, clothing, toys, and sex, viruses and killer diseases seconded by polluted air and water, has reconstituted the situation of permanent qui vive. Even when no thought of nuclear war is present to the mind, the atmosphere forbids delectation, let alone complacency.